User personal information protection and privacy policy agreement

Welcome to use Bookly software and services!

In order to use Bookly software and services (hereinafter referred to as "the software" or "the service"), you should read and abide by the "User's Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").

Please read carefully and fully understand the content of each clause, especially the corresponding clauses that exempt or limit liability, and the separate agreement for opening or using a certain service, and choose to accept or not. Restrictions and exemptions have been reminded of you in bold. We will provide you with corresponding services after we have clearly obtained your consent and acceptance.

The terms under this agreement can be changed by this software at any time, and you should check it regularly. Once the terms of the agreement are changed, the software will be updated on this page, and the changes will be provided on the relevant pages, and you will be notified separately. The revised agreement has been announced and effectively replaces the original agreement. You have the right not to accept the revised agreement, but it may cause you to stop using a certain software or service provided by this software. You can check the latest user's personal information protection and privacy policy at any time on this page.

If you violate this agreement, the software has the right to unilaterally restrict, suspend or terminate the provision of this service at any time in accordance with the violation, and has the right to pursue your related responsibilities.

If you are under the age of 18, please read this agreement and other aforementioned agreements with your guardian, and obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian in advance. If you are the guardian of a minor, if you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through customer service.

1 Definition

  1. Software: refers to the reading tools provided by the software to users, supports the reading of books in the software's built-in bookstore, and provides users with software licenses and services including but not limited to book recommendation, friend sharing and other functions or content. Referred to as "the software" in this agreement.
  2. User: refers to the user who activates, browses, or uploads data to the software service, and is more referred to as "you" in this agreement.
  3. Other users: refer to other users of the software related to the software service except the user himself.

2 The scope of the agreement

  1. This agreement is an agreement between you and this platform regarding the protection of user personal information and privacy policies in your download, installation, and use of this software.
  2. The content of this agreement also includes relevant agreements, statements, business rules and announcement guidelines on the protection of users' personal information and privacy policies that the software may publish from time to time (hereinafter collectively referred to as "special rules"). Once the above content is officially released, it is an integral part of this agreement, and you should also abide by it.

3 User's personal information protection and privacy policy

3.1 Account Security

Before you can use some functions of this service, you need to have a successfully registered account of the software platform, and you need to provide your email account and verification code; or other third-party platform account information. For your account information, this platform will adopt professional encryption storage and transmission methods to ensure information security and will not collect, use, disclose or disclose without authorization. You are responsible for the safety of your account information. The software does not assume any responsibility for the leakage, tampering, or deletion of related information under this service caused by the leakage of account information due to your own reasons. Regarding the specific rules for your account use, please abide by the relevant account use agreement (including but not limited to the "User Service Agreement of this Software") and other special rules issued by this software for this purpose.

3.2 Collection and use of personal information

You understand and agree that, in order to provide you with our services, we will ask you to provide the personal information necessary to provide you with the services (we will clearly indicate to you the purpose, method, and location of the collection and use of personal information in this privacy policy , Storage period and location, and collect information after obtaining your consent). If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.

The scope of information collected and used is as follows:

  1. The information you filled in when you registered your account (email account), and the information you uploaded when you used the service.
  2. The information you submit through our customer service or when you participate in events held by us, and the information we obtain when you use the service.

The detailed list is as follows:

  1. Login: The user is authorized to log in to the third party platform account, avatar, nickname, and email account;
  2. Edit information: account picture, nickname, gender;
  3. Account: Account ID (a unique identifier generated by the system, users cannot edit it), account avatar, nickname, gender;
  4. Sign-in calendar: If you click on the sign-in icon, you will get a certain amount of rewards, which can be claimed once a day and cannot be repeated. The sign-in rules are subject to the page display;
  5. Notification: If you agree and actively click "Allow", we will send you a push notification. You can set the notification sound and mark in the mobile phone system; if you want to turn off push notifications, you can use the mobile phone system Turn off notifications in the settings;
  6. Today's reading: Count the user's reading time in this software APP that day, the statistical unit is minute;
  7. Reading history: users read books (books that the user has read in this software using the same device), add books to the bookshelf (all books added to the bookshelf by the user on the same device, the user can delete the added books), manage the reading history (in the delete column) books);
  8. Reading records: browsing records (books that the user has browsed in this software using the same device), bookshelf records (all books added to the bookshelf by the user using the same account, the user can delete the books that have been added to the bookshelf record, and the books in the bookshelf record Add the local bookshelf of the device), manage the bookshelf (delete the books in the bookshelf), in order to realize the bookshelf record function, you need to log in to the software to register an account. If you refuse to log in, you cannot use it;
  9. Bookshelf: When you open this software APP for the first time, we may actively recommend high-quality books to you and add them to your bookshelf. You can also put the books you are reading or like in the bookshelf to find them, or you can delete them. I hope to keep the books in the shelf;
  10. Message notification: notifications in the software system, including nickname modification, avatar modification, and other messages related to your account (we need to identify your registered software account), as well as general notifications;
  11. Account binding: My-Settings-Account Management page, you can bind your mobile phone number, you can change the bound mobile phone number yourself, if you want to cancel the mobile phone number, please contact our customer service;
  12. Help and feedback: If you agree and actively click "I want feedback", you need to submit the problem description, problem picture (optional) and the user's contact information.

The permissions corresponding to the above functions are all necessary permissions for business functions. If you do not grant the corresponding permissions, you cannot use the related functions.

Some of our services may require you to provide specific personal sensitive information to achieve specific functions. If you choose not to provide this type of information, you may not be able to use certain functions in the service normally, but it will not affect your use of other functions in the service. If you take the initiative to provide your sensitive personal information, it means that you agree that we will process your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this agreement.

Sensitive personal information refers to personal information that, once leaked, illegally provided, or misused, may endanger personal and property safety, and easily lead to personal reputation, physical and mental health damage, or discriminatory treatment. Personal sensitive information includes ID number, personal biometric information, bank account number, communication content, health and physiological information, etc. The content contained in "personal information" or "personal sensitive information" in this privacy policy comes from GB/T35273 "Personal Information Security Specification", and the definition is consistent with the definition in the "Personal Information Security Specification".

3.3 Android permission requirements

For users using the Android system, when you use this software, for the purpose of providing, processing, maintaining, improving, developing our products and/or providing services to you, this software may obtain the following permissions for your terminal device:

  1. Allow access to the network;
  2. Allow access to WiFi status permissions;
  3. Allow access to network status permissions;
  4. Allow to write system settings permissions;
  5. Permission to request access to take photos and photo albums;

3.4 iOS permission requirements

For users who use iOS, when you use this software, for the purpose of providing, processing, maintaining, improving, and developing our products and/or services provided to you, this software may obtain the following permissions for your terminal device:

  1. Allow access to the network;
  2. Allow access to WiFi status permissions;
  3. Allow access to network status permissions;
  4. Allow to request permission to access and use photos and photo albums;
  5. Allow to obtain message push permission.

3.5 How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

3.5.1 Sharing

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information. Your personal information is an important basis and part of the products and/or services we provide to you. For your personal information, we only use this "Privacy Policy" for the purposes and Collect and use within the scope or in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, and strictly confidential, we will not share your personal information with third-party companies, organizations and individuals other than the software and its affiliates, unless there are one or more of the following situations :

  1. Your request.
  2. Your explicit authorization has been obtained in advance.
  3. Necessary and reasonable sharing within the software and its affiliates. You understand and agree that some personal information that does not include your personal sensitive information in the registered account information of this software and related reading data may be shared with our affiliated companies. We will work hard to ensure that affiliated companies take no less than the level of security measures promised in this privacy policy and comply with other security protection requirements we put forward to protect your personal information.
  4. Necessary sharing with some business partners:
  5. The shared information is de-identified, and the third party who accepts the information sharing cannot re-identify the information subject;
  6. Sharing with third parties in order to protect you, our other users or employees, the software or the public interest, property or safety (for example: fraud or credit risk, etc.) from damage;
  7. In some cases, only by sharing your personal information can we realize the core functions of our products and/or services or provide the services you need, or deal with disputes or disputes between you and others;
  8. Based on the relevant agreements (such as online agreements, platform rules, etc.) or legal documents signed by you and us;
  9. Conforms to the relevant agreement between you and other third parties;
  10. Sharing based on reasonable business habits, for example: sharing information about the winners/winners in joint marketing activities with third parties so that they can issue prizes/gifts to you in time; we accept due diligence, etc.;
  11. The requirements of the competent authority, the needs of litigation and disputes, and other situations that require sharing as provided by laws and regulations.

We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and will only share necessary personal information. When we share information with our business partners, we will strictly require them to fulfill their responsibility to protect your personal information.

3.5.2 Transfer

Transfer refers to the process of transferring control of personal information to other companies, organizations or individuals. In principle, we will not transfer your personal information, except in the following cases:

  1. You request by yourself;
  2. Your explicit authorization has been obtained in advance;
  3. If we conduct mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, divisions, bankruptcies, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions, we will require the new holders to continue to comply and perform All the contents of the "Privacy Policy" (including purpose of use, rules of use, security protection measures, etc.), otherwise we will require it to re-obtain your express authorization and consent;
  4. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

If the transfer is really necessary for the above reasons, we will inform you of the purpose and type of the transferred information before the transfer (if your personal sensitive information is involved, we will also inform you of the content of the sensitive information involved), and Re-transfer after obtaining your authorization, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or otherwise stipulated in this policy.

3.5.3 Public disclosure

Public disclosure is the act of releasing information to the society or unspecified groups of people. We will not publicly disclose your personal information, except for necessary disclosures due to the need to make announcements of penalties for illegal accounts, fraudulent behaviors, and desensitize relevant information when the list of winners/winners are announced. If there are reasonable grounds for public disclosure, we will inform you of the purpose and type of publicly disclosed information before public disclosure (if your personal sensitive information is involved, we will also inform you of the content of the sensitive information involved), And publicly disclose it after obtaining your authorization, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise agreed in this policy.

Regarding publicly disclosed personal information, we will pay full attention to risks, and carefully review its legitimacy, rationality, and legality as soon as we receive a public disclosure application, and take appropriate measures during and after public disclosure. It is protected to the extent of the personal information security protection measures and methods agreed in this Privacy Policy.

Please be aware that even if you have obtained your authorization, we will only publicly disclose your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and try to anonymize the personal information in the public disclosure content .

According to laws and regulations, under the following circumstances, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

  1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;
  2. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments; or in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, administrative agencies, public prosecutions, and other competent agencies;
  3. In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your own consent;
  4. Personal information is disclosed to the public by you yourself or collected from legally disclosed channels (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.);
  5. As necessary for signing and fulfilling relevant agreements or other written documents with you;
  6. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

3.6 How do we use cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are very important to improve the user's network experience. The software uses cookies for the following purposes:

  1. Identity verification: Cookies can notify us when you access our services so that we can verify your account information to ensure your account security. For example, Cookie technology can notify us when you log in to the software. Therefore, when you visit the software's site, we can identify whether you are logged in safely and show you information related to you.
  2. Security: Cookies can help us ensure the security of data and services, and investigate cheating, hacking, and fraud against our products and services. For example, Cookie can store the ticket information of your token, which can be verified by the server whether it is your own normal login in the software, and the encrypted information in the ticket information can prevent various types of attacks and prevent cross-site information theft and access. Prevent access by impersonation.
  3. Functions and services: Cookies can help us provide users with better products and services. For example, Cookie can help you fill in the name of your last login account through the stored information when you log in, so as to improve your operating efficiency.
  4. Efficiency: Cookies can avoid unnecessary server load, improve service efficiency, and save resources. For example, cookies can help us optimize the traffic routed between servers and understand the speed at which different users load our services. Sometimes, we may use cookies to make you load and respond faster when using this software.

3.7 Ways to use and protect information

  1. Protecting users' personal information is a basic principle of this platform, and this platform will take reasonable measures to protect users' personal information. Except as provided by laws and regulations or otherwise stipulated in this agreement, this platform will not disclose or disclose user personal information to third parties without the user's permission. This platform uses professional encrypted storage and transmission methods for related information to ensure the security of users' personal information.
  2. This platform will use various security technologies and procedures to establish a complete management system to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For example, https + self-developed encryption method realizes transmission encryption; adopts JWT identity authentication (currently the most popular cross-domain authentication solution); malicious user traffic detection, freezing accounts after suspicious user behavior analysis, preventing accounts from being stolen and causing losses to users ; High Availability of the database (High Availability, refers to the design to reduce the time that the system cannot provide services) to prevent the loss of user gold coins and other data, and can be backed up and restored; when the client shows the user's mobile phone number, the middle 4 digits are added with a "*" sign Hide, protect user's mobile phone number, etc.
  3. Without your consent, this software will not share, transfer, or publicly disclose your personal information to any company, organization or individual other than this software, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise agreed in this agreement.
  4. You understand and agree that this platform has the right to conduct a technical analysis of the entire user database and make commercial use of the analyzed and desensitized user database without disclosing the private information of a single user.

3.8 Information Storage

We will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this privacy policy. Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purpose (not less than 6 months), unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law. And our criteria for judging the aforementioned deadlines include:

  1. Complete the service purpose related to you, maintain the corresponding service and business records, and respond to your possible inquiries or complaints;
  2. To ensure the safety and quality of the services we provide to you;
  3. Do you agree to a longer retention time;
  4. Is there any other special agreement for the retention period?

After your personal information exceeds the retention period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws.

If the software decides to stop operating, we will stop collecting your personal information after the relevant services stop operating. We will send you a notice of cessation of operation in the form of an announcement. Your personal information that has been held will be deleted or anonymized.

3.9 Other

  1. At present, this software does not have personal information going abroad. If personal information needs to go abroad due to business development in the future, we will list the types of personal information going abroad in this policy, and mark them prominently.
  2. You understand and agree that certain functions of this software may allow third parties to know user information. For example, when users share relevant content to third-party products/platforms, third parties will know some of your information, including accounts. Avatar, account nickname, sharing content; moreover, the information you share after sharing will be displayed on the product/platform you share. On this product/platform, third parties can view your information according to the settings of their respective products/platforms, including account avatars, account nicknames, and shared content. If you do not want to let a third party know your information, please do not use these functions of this software; if you use these functions of this software, you are deemed to agree that the third party knows your information.
  3. You understand and agree that, in order to better provide you with services, this platform can associate the account's data records (such as purchase records, consumption records, bookshelf content) on the platform's official website and other clients under your software account, Similarly, the platform company can also link your aforementioned data records in the software to the account on the platform's official website and other clients.

4 Your rights

4.1 Access to your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise the right of data access, you can access it yourself through the following methods:

  1. Access basic information such as avatar, nickname, gender, etc.: After entering the APP, click "My" and click "Avatar" to query and access information;
  2. Access account binding information: After entering the APP, click "Settings", and click "Accounts and Security" to query and access information.

4.2 Correct your personal information

When you find that your personal information needs to be corrected, you can modify it by yourself through the page in "1. Visit your personal information", or you can contact customer service to assist you in modifying the information.

4.3 Delete your personal information

In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:

  1. If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;
  2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;
  3. If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;
  4. If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account;
  5. If we no longer provide you with products or services.

4.3.1 How to delete your personal information

You can use the following schemes to delete your personal information Information:

  1. Using the "delete account" function in the APP, after the account is canceled and cleared, your personal information will also be canceled and deleted ;
  2. Use the "Help Feedback" function in the APP to ask the customer service to delete your personal information, and the customer service will assist you in deleting your personal information;
  3. Check the customer service email in the app, and send an email requesting deletion of personal information to our customer service email, and we will handle it for you within 15 working days;

4.4 Manage your authorization scope

If you want to change the scope of authorization, you can modify the scope of authorization through the mobile phone authority settings. If you cancel the authorization required for a specific function in the service, you may not be able to use the function normally, but it will not affect your use of other functions in the service.

5 Other

  1. Your use of this software means that you have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement. This platform has the right to modify the terms of this agreement when necessary. You can check the relevant agreement terms in the latest version of this software, and this platform will also post it in a prominent place in this software. After the terms of this agreement are changed, if you continue to use the software, you are deemed to have accepted the revised agreement. If you do not accept the revised agreement, you should stop using the software.
  2. If any dispute or controversy occurs between you and this platform, you should first resolve it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where this agreement is signed.
  3. The titles of all terms in this agreement are for reading convenience only, they have no actual meaning, and cannot be used as the basis for interpretation of the meaning of this agreement.
  4. No matter the terms of this agreement are partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining terms are still valid and binding on both parties.